2023 Annual Statement from the Board
Staffing shortages, difficulty accessing providers, long wait times to schedule an appointment or care ~ all familiar experiences in our post-COVID health care system. For older and medically vulnerable residents, health care is increasingly confusing and anxiety causing. Family members, particularly those living out-of-state, struggle to support their loved ones as resources shift and dwindle.
In the midst of this, we witness daily the strength and beauty of our 94+ year-old district nursing model. Community donations keep fees consistent, and support financial assistance for neighbors most in need. RDNA does not receive Medicare, MaineCare or insurance reimbursements, leaving nurses free to regularly visit their clients. For most clients, this relationship lasts for years with the same nurse, together navigating the system ~ ensuring client needs remain front and center, concerns are acknowledged, and clinical feedback is discussed thoroughly and at the client’s pace. In turn, our nurses provide physicians clinical updates within the home setting. Significantly, this on-going care proactively helps to prevent an undesirable influx into our over-stressed hospital and long-term care facilities ~ beyond COVID. RDNA nurses are still providing professional nursing care “for the long haul.”
Incredibly, RDNA looks very much today as we have for the past 94+ years. 100% of the Board financially supports RDNA, a 501(c)(3) organization, and invite you to consider RDNA when donating or discussing your estate planning. “Sponsoring an RDNA mile” with a monthly donation helps keep RDNA nurses on the road. Summer Rose Hip bakers and Doughnators fill the Rose Hip basket in support of district nursing. Visit our website (rocklanddistrictnursing.org) for more information, and to make a secure on-line donation.
(For more information, see the 2023 Info Sheet.)
As past generations have taught us, our community is only as healthy as the most vulnerable among us. We thank you for your support ~ and for your friendship.
RDNA Board of Directors
Anna Ware, RN, President
Anne Norman, Secretary
Meg Sawyer, Treasurer
Renee Heal
Mark Lewis
Pat Snow
Walker Hutchins, Emeritus
Peta vanVuuren, Agency Director